Hello UA Community,
In the last couple of weeks, Urban Academy students demonstrated what remarkable risk-takers they are by attending a number of out-of-school events and excursions that I am sure you have been following closely through class communications and UA social media posts. As educators, we know that risk is inherent and inevitable in almost everything that we do and while we encourage our students to be risk-takers, we ensure that we mitigate the risks and minimize hazards through planning, developing policies and constant learning and practice.
Recently there has been more literature and research that supports the importance of taking risks in children and young adults. An article published in CBC, titled “Pop the bubble wrap and let the children play outdoors” outlines the reasons why the Canadian Pediatricians Society recommends embracing risky play. The article also emphasizes the distinction between risk and hazard and how they should be taught and approached differently.
In other UA news, we also have two new positions being introduced at the Junior and Middle School levels. Ms. Amy Morrel and Ms. Clare Manifold have taken on the positions of Junior school and Middle school Facilitator respectively. They will be working closely with the team on curriculum development and enhancing teaching and learning in the Junior and Middle divisions of the school. We also welcomed Ms. Hilary Gallinger who joins our counselling department from Bright Stars Counselling to support Middle school students. Hillary is an experienced counsellor who will work closely with Ms. McCarron and Ms. Worth. In Junior School, we had another visit from Ms. Rebecca Orman, an Occupational Therapist, and also from Bright Stars Counselling to support our young learners in their fine and gross motor skills development and sensory and social-emotional needs. Last but not least, Ms. Winnie Huang, a dedicated UA parent, has joined our team part-time to help with supervision and support. A huge congratulations to the new members of our team and those in new roles. UA is very lucky to have you!
Finally, we want to let you know about an important webinar coming up on February, 13 at 7pm for Grades 9–11 students and parents. The session will cover details about course planning for the coming year and post-secondary planning. All parents are welcome. Details are on the Parent Hub.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,
Khatereh Dadar
UA Associate Principal