the usual suspects


We encourage even our future students to ask questions. You can find answers below to some of the most common questions our Admissions Team encounters. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you require further clarification.

We use technology, field study, the arts, outdoor learning and a child’s own curiosity to create engaging and meaningful learning experiences. Through this approach, students understand not only what they are learning, but also why they are learning it. We bridge the gap between high-level academics and tangible applications, developing students who are excited to answer the question “What did you learn at school today?”

Class sizes are optimized for students of different ages, with Junior Kindergarten at eight students per teacher, Kindergarten have approximately 16 students per class, and Grade One & Two have approximately 18 students and Grade 3 and up have approximately 20 students per class.

We typically only have combined classes with a subject that is better with larger groups of students such as band, music, PE, Model UN etc. Explorations (rotating through a number of different electives) also allows combines students from Grades 6 and 7 to broaden connections and friendships. Core courses are grade-specific only. There are many other school opportunities such as houses (Grades 4-12), outdoor education opportunities, camp, field study or buddy pairings where students of similar ages are combined.

Once we receive your application form and fee, Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten applicants will be invited in for a brief assessment visit within two weeks of the application deadline. Students applying for Grades 1 – 12 are invited for their assessment which is a combination of academic assessments as well as an opportunity to get to know the applicants.  All students applying to Grade 1 and above are required to submit a most recent report card in the application process. We also request a current teacher complete their reference form that will be provided by the admissions department. We pride ourselves in evaluating evenly and fairly, and admissions each year are based on students that represent the best fit for our learning philosophies, academic rigour, fulsome program and culture.

Urban Academy has high academic expectations, and our students never cease to impress us. The results speak for themselves: our graduates have a 100% acceptance rate, being accepted into one of the top two post-secondary institutions of their choice that they apply to. Our internal and external assessment results show that the vast majority of all Urban Academy Students are either fully meeting or exceeding expectations for their grade level.

We are financed by tuition fees, the BC Ministry of Education’s per capita operating grant to independent schools, and the Parent Equity program. Urban Academy also has an active advancement team made up of staff and members of the community, focused on raising funds for various initiatives and expanding school programming.

A detailed outline of tuition and registration fees can be in the Tuition & Fees section of our website.

Yes. Families with students in Grades K-12 may apply annually for Tuition Assistance and based on the qualifying criteria and number of applicants, may receive assistance. Applications are due in January every year, are completed online, and all applicants are kept confidential. Please visit the Tuition Assistance section of our website for more detailed information.

The Board of Directors at Urban Academy has instituted a Parent Equity Program that enabled the School to purchase Robson Manor in Queen’s Park as its first site, and the Rousseau campus is now our long-term permanent site. It is a financial instrument by which the Securities Act provides a means for non-profit societies to raise funds. In short, each family is required to pay $20,000 per child in Kindergarten to Grade 12 (to a maximum of 2 children) for the time that the child is enrolled in Urban Academy. For Junior Kindergarten, each family is asked to pay $10,000 per child (up to 2 children). The sum (without interest) will then be returned to the family after the child is no longer enrolled as a student. We have set up an interest-only loan program at prime + 1% through our partners, Envision Financial for this program.

Urban Academy is a member of the Independent School Association of BC (ISABC) the Federation of Independent Schools (FISA), the Greater Vancouver Independent Schools Athletic Association of BC (GVISAA), the Greater Vancouver Independent School Athletic Association, and the Network of Performance Based schools. Urban Academy is currently undergoing the rigorous accreditation process to become a CAIS (Canadian Association of Independent Schools) Member School and is a CAIS Candidate School at present.

Urban Academy is operated by a non-profit society (The Urban Academy Society) that was established by the founding members and governed by an appointed Board Of Directors to govern the school. The school’s Board of Directors is made up of members of the school community who are responsible for the strategic direction and financial health of the school. The Board operates at arm’s length from the daily affairs of the school, which are managed by Urban Academy’s Head of School.

Involved parents make for more successful students. Urban Academy is committed to being an environment where parents feel welcomed and included. As part of their commitment to the school, Urban Academy families are required to provide a minimum of 15 hours of volunteer time per family per year. These hours can be made up from a wide variety of options during and outside of school hours from setting up chairs for a special event, to lunch supervision one day a week. This is based on an honour system, with families using a school app to learn about available opportunities, and to log their hours. Parents are encouraged to spend time in their child’s classroom, participate in special events and share their talents with the school environment.

Urban Academy is a non-denominational, co-educational independent school that provides students with challenging academic, co-curricular and extracurricular programs. The school offers an enriched academic program that meets or exceeds BC Ministry of Education requirements. Urban Academy and its staff help students become future leaders and responsible citizens by fostering high standards of personal integrity and character. Urban Academy provides a safe and nurturing learning environment that embraces diversity and prepares students for continuing study at university.

Urban Academy runs a centralized morning and afternoon pick-up/drop off bus route coming in from North West Burnaby and a second route coming in from the Tri-Cities.

For route information, visit the Bus Service page.

Our campus is also very much accessible via Skytrain (we are across from the Braid Street Station) and/or city transit bus routes.

Yes. Parents can expect to spend about $500 depending on the amount of extras purchased for scattered laundry days etc.

Our campus boasts a full-size gymnasium, a large multi-purpose room and integrated outdoor spaces to facilitate physical learning. We also have 20,000 square feet of play deck spaces throughout the school. We are a 7-minute walk from Hume Park which has soccer fields, tennis courts a playground and a water park.

Homework levels for students vary per grade level and sometimes individually and increase with the age of the student and with the complexity of the curriculum.