Without the generous support of our extended community, the dreams and extras we want for Urban Academy would not be possible. Our advancement plans help us develop technology, music, athletics, drama, arts, science, facilities, and extra-curricular programs for our students.
annual appeal
Our annual appeals fund innovation and evolution in our schools. All of our labs and integrated programs would not be possible without the funds raised by this initiative. Our current wish list includes new innovative equipment and supplies to create the best possible learning experiences for our students, as well as securing a UA Activity Bus to allow for greater field study, athletic and community connection opportunities. For more information, please see our full annual appeal.
Parent run initiatives
Urban Academy is fortunate to have a number of parent-led committees that help raise funds for school programming. Specifically our PAX Committee works to create community events, programs to support parents (hot lunch, used uniform) and fundraising opportunities for families. Our Gala Committee works hard to create our largest annual fundraising event where parents and friends of UA gather to enjoy an evening of celebration.
category giving
Category giving is also an extremely generous way to show your support. Donors are able to select the category they would like to give to or leave their donation as unrestricted which would mean that the Head of School can allocate as needed. The categories available for direct donations include:
- Academics
- Athletics
- Languages
- Science
- Technology/Robotics
- Art Programs
- Music Programs
- Drama Program
- Facilities
To set up category giving, please contact us today.
monthly giving
registration DETAILS
Monthly giving is another key part of our advancement plan, allowing parents and supporters to make a significant and meaningful contribution to our school. With this type of giving, donors make a monthly donation via Canada Helps or can also be made by regular EFT to the school.