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Urban academy news

Weekly Update | May 5, 2023


Hello UA families,

Last week staff and students at Urban Academy engaged in a number of activities in recognition of Canadian Mental Health Week. These included various mindfulness activities, daily body breaks, buddy walks where students from different levels of the school went together to the park, and a wonderful talent show on Friday. The biggest hit was definitely the volleyball match between staff and students which was both heated and competitive, in the most encouraging way possible!

Last week, we also practiced an evacuation drill. The entire school evacuated to the parking lot on the laneway. The students followed all the safety protocols and instructions from their teachers with utmost cooperation and maturity. Please continue to talk to your children about the importance of emergency preparedness. The emergency preparedness website contains many useful toolkits and resources for families and communities.

As we wrap up the first week of May, I’d also like to recognize that May is Asian Heritage Month, and a great opportunity for all of us to learn about, celebrate and honour the contributions of Asian Canadians. Throughout this month, students in different classes will learn about the diverse cultures and traditions of Asian communities. We always look for opportunities to foster learning from experts in the field and authentic sources of information in our community. We are so grateful to the parents who come to school to share their knowledge with UA students in classes or assemblies. Please get in touch with your class teacher or the administration if you would like to be involved.

Finally, as the weather gets warmer,  we see more children play outside after school while families mingle, which is absolutely great. But please bear in mind that the traffic is very busy at that time. Please ensure that you have a clear view of your children at all times, and monitor them closely. We value the safety and security of our students, and it is our collective responsibility to keep them safe.

Wishing you all a great weekend, and I am looking forward to seeing you at the Gala tomorrow evening. If you aren’t joining us in person, you can still support the silent auction and bid on fantastic student art from home!

Respectfully yours,
Khatereh Dadar
