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Urban academy news

Weekly Update | September 2, 2022


September 2, 2022

Dear UA Parents,

It seems like the summer has raced by, but I know many of you took the opportunity to once again travel, meet up with friends and family, and spend some time outdoors. We have had a fantastic break, which has contributed to the positive energy surrounding the upcoming school year at Urban Academy. We are excited to get the 2022-2023 school year started!

The teaching staff returned to campus this week, very excited about the year ahead. It was a full week of learning, planning, connecting with one another and making the new staff members feel welcome at UA. Planning for school startup without restrictions due to the pandemic or building construction was something we have not experienced since we moved to Rousseau St. With construction complete (with the exception of a few finishing touches) the staff were very excited to spread out and start the process of preparing the 4th and 5th floors for students.

It was nice to welcome so many new and returning students, plus their families on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at the Back to School Celebration. It was a great opportunity for the students and families to check out their new classrooms and meet their teachers. It was also the first opportunity for the community to tour the newly opened 4th and 5th floor classrooms as well as the rooftop deck. I know our Senior Students are going to enjoy the process of creating a true senior school culture on those new floors!

Returning families, I know you were expecting this, but just a few reminders as we get going for the year. Please conduct a health check with your child every morning to ensure they are healthy and ready for school. You will find a helpful letter from Fraser Health attached to this update. Our UA community has done an excellent job through the pandemic, and I hope that we continue to move forward in the endemic phase collaboratively and supportively.

Many members of our community will be establishing new routines for the first time this week especially as it relates to drop-off and pick-up, please remain patient and mindful as we re-establish our pedestrian/vehicle traffic flows and parking routines. It is an expectation that all community members follow the parking restriction signs in the community and respect our neighbours by not parking in their driveways or making it difficult for them to enter and exit their driveways. As always, we encourage families to carpool, drop older students off away from the school and let them walk in, or even take Skytrain which is right across the street from the school. We know that when we work together it results in quick and easy drop-off and pick-up routines.

I am looking forward to having students back in the classroom, experiencing some new and interesting activities, and welcoming families back to school events this year. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you soon!

Yours in education,

Mr. Slinger
