Urban academy news

Weekly Update | May 20, 2021


May 20, 2021

Dear UA Parents,

Happy Thursday, everyone. I hope you are all looking forward to a nice long weekend. It really is amazing how fast the days and weeks seem to be going by right now. It is a very exciting time in the school as we ramp up for the year-end with projects, field trips, and other activities, while at the same time starting to make plans for September. It also helps that the days are longer and the weather is better at this time of year.

What an exciting day at UA today as we celebrated Jean Up for BC Children’s Hospital. I felt very comfortable in my work clothes. Please see the message below from our senior student leaders regarding how the school did in terms of our fundraising goal.

We had a wonderful surprise this week when we saw Ms. O’Byrne back at school. She has been off on leave so we have not seen her for some time. We are looking forward to seeing Ms. O’Byrne back on a part-time basis for the rest of the year. She has been missed by both students and staff.

Last week I mentioned that today would be the final day on which we would have access to the back parking lot. There have been some changes to the transition schedule of which you need to be aware: On Tuesday, May 25, only UA staff will be using the new parking lot. JK/K parents with parking passes will still use our back lot as usual. It should be noted that there may be changes to the orientation of the back lot for Tuesday morning drop-off, but any available spots are reserved for JK/K families with parking passes. A detailed package will come out on Tuesday with information regarding the new parking routines. The last day on which JK/K families will have access to the back parking lot is now Wednesday, May 26. As of Thursday, May 27, staff and parents will be using the new parking lot down the laneway.

Finally, what a great Virtual Gala evening we had last weekend. Congratulations to Michel Watson and her team – all of your hard work paid off. A BIG thank you to the UA community for all of your financial contributions: we exceeded our goal of $75,000 and raised just over $77,000 for our first Virtual Gala ever! I know I am looking forward to my round of golf with the three individuals who made a healthy donation to UA so we can spend 5 hours looking for golf balls in the forest. I also need to confirm that my wife is very happy with her Coach jacket… good thing I made sure our fantastic MC, Jennifer Robertson, didn’t sneak out with it in her swag bag.

Mr. Slinger
