Urban academy news

Weekly Update | December 4, 2020


December 4, 2020

Hello UA Parents,

Welcome to December, everyone! It has been great to see the blue sky during the last couple of days. It has certainly helped the energy levels around the school which is a good thing since there is a lot going on as we wind down the last couple of weeks before the Winter Break.

Next Tuesday, December 8, report cards will be posted to MySchool at 4:00 pm. To access your child’s report card please log into MySchool, click on the Current Student box, select your student, then select School Systems, Report Cards.

I am excited for the Winter Concert viewing party on December 17. Our staff team has been busy capturing all of the UA Winter Concert talent and we are looking forward to sharing that with you on the evening of the 17th. So get your family together in their pj’s, pop some popcorn, make some hot chocolate, and enjoy the UA Winter Concert in the comfort of your own home. Details will be sent out closer to the day.

I would like to personally thank our community for your commitment to this year’s Annual Appeal. We are in the process of converting one of the practice rooms in the theatre into a recording studio where students can share their musical talents in a safe space. We have also been recording the Winter Concert with some of our new sound and video recording equipment that was purchased with donations from the ‘Hear Us Roar’ Appeal. The difference this equipment makes in being able to share student learning with you is incredible, and we are looking forward to you being able to enjoy that in the coming weeks. I am happy to share that we have surpassed our financial goal with over $134,000 in donations and a 44% participation rate. Let’s see if we can get that rate up to at least 50% of our families in the weeks to come!

I would also like to remind everyone that during this time of seasonal illnesses, approaching holidays, and of course a global pandemic, people may be away from school for a variety of reasons. It is important that as a community we do not speculate on the reasons people are away from school (both staff and students). We have been very fortunate to date in that our community has not had a Covid exposure event. Should there be a need, I will communicate to all of you in a timely manner under the guidance of Fraser Health. It will be a priority to ensure that the privacy of all parties is respected in the event where there may have been an exposure or confirmed case of Covid. It is equally important, now more than ever, that as a community we support each other in the best way possible.

Yours in education,
Mr. Slinger
