Urban academy news

Weekly Update | November 13, 2020


November 13, 2020

Hello UA Parents,

This week was a bit different with a holiday right in the middle of the week. It kind of felt like we had two Mondays and two Fridays this week, plus Wednesday felt like Saturday in the morning and Sunday in the evening!! That being said we still accomplished a great deal.

Last Saturday marked the final UA Board meeting for both Ben Marsolais and Deborah McKenzie. Ben has dedicated 5 years to the UA Board supporting the school with his time, energy, and talents to the benefit of the school and the community.  Deborah has spent the last decade committed to making UA what it is today in ways that have been seen, and many that have been behind the scenes. She has served the Board as Chair, and as a mentor and guide for all who had the pleasure to work alongside her. UA’s success is reliant on a dedicated group of volunteers, and these two individuals epitomize how dedicated volunteers can make a significant contribution to the UA community. Thank you both for all you have done for UA. Your presence on the Board will be missed, but I am happy I will still see you around the school for years to come.

This week the school took time to recognize those who have served our country to help create this incredible country that we live in. Remembrance Day allows us time to reflect on our country’s history and honour those who were willing to risk their own health and well-being for the sake of their fellow Canadians past and present. Our UA students created a video montage that was played in all of the classrooms so that we could have a virtual assembly together. Additionally, some of our Grade 1, 3 (art), 10, and 11 students participated virtually in the City of New Westminster’s Remembrance Day ceremony that can be seen here.

Ms. MacLeod and I have been working hard to revise and expand our program in university counselling. An evening presentation is planned for Grade 9-11 parents on December 10 at 7:00 pm via Zoom that will provide the content and goals of this exciting initiative. Next week, parents of Gr 9-11 students will receive a short survey to help guide the conversation on Dec 10. Our hope is to engage parents in the process along with the students, to ensure everyone has the same information as it relates to future pathways. Perhaps at no other time are skill development, career planning, and post-secondary preparation more essential to students and their families than at this moment.

In closing, I would like to remind all of our community members, outside of our current JK to Grade 4 students, that it is expected that you wear a mask from the time you exit your vehicle until you are settled into your cohort space. Parents, it is important that the adults also model the practice of wearing a mask if you are out of your vehicle at drop-off and pick-up. We need to all work together to keep our UA community healthy and ensure that the new orders from the PHO do not extend throughout the winter season. We have done an excellent job at UA implementing mitigation measures such as washing our hands and staying home when not feeling well, but I felt the timing was right for a reminder to stay diligent. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Have a great weekend.

Yours in education,
Mr. Slinger
