Urban academy news

Weekly Update | May 15, 2020


Dear Urban Academy Families,

I hope everyone enjoyed Mother’s Day last weekend and that our moms were well treated! I am working my way through the direction we received this morning from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health regarding school re-entry. There is a clear expectation that schools begin re-entry, that we support the many other aspects of reopening BC, and that kids are best served educationally working with their teachers. Our plan on re-entry is well under way and aligns closely with what was presented to us this morning. I intend to provide direction on this plan to parents by Wednesday or Thursday of next week. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you back.

The long weekend is now upon us and the spring term is moving along quickly. Teachers will be on in-service next Friday, May 22 to work through our new school information system, MySchool. This represents a big change for us internally in the school as we do our best to serve you in terms of communication, enrolment, registration, attendance, report cards and making sure we have the necessary digital support to operate the school safely and efficiently. This is also the system we use to communicate with the Ministry of Education to ensure student marks, courses and graduation credits are taken care of responsibly. We intend to produce the third term report card in June using MySchool. It will look a little different than the report card you have been used to, but the performance scales, marks and courses are all the same. We will be using some indicators that provide feedback on the uptake for each child on the eLearning program as well. On Friday, May 22 we will not conduct Zoom lessons or meetings and there will not be Seesaw posts, but we will be back right after the weekend.

Registration for our September Out of School Care (OOSC) program opens today, May 15, for all UA students up to age 12. We anticipate that spaces will be limited and that we will likely have no or very limited drop-in availability. Please register by Monday, June 1 to secure your space(s) by returning the attached registration form to admin@urbanacademy.ca. A $75.00 registration fee per child is also required for new registrants. The 2020-2021 fee schedule is attached. A non-refundable payment for the month of September is due by June 10; post-dated payments (cheque, PAD or credit card) for the months of October to June can be submitted anytime before September 1. Please note that we require 30 days’ notice for any cancellations.

Attached you will also find the Uniform Manual – please refer to pages 5 to 9 for an easy-to-follow chart on purchasing the correct pieces. These can be ordered from InSchoolwear, our uniform provider, either online at www.inschoolwear.com using our school code urba or they also have a store located not far from us at 7666 Winston Street in Burnaby. Given the recent closures, they have adjusted their service hours and processes, so please do take note: in June and July they are offering shopping by appointment only, which can be made by contacting vancouver@inschoolwear.com directly. For the month of June, they are offering our families a summer discount of 5% on all uniform pieces. The store is nearly at full inventory, but some pieces may need to be ordered, so please either order or book an appointment by July to ensure your child has what they need for the September start.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Cheryle Beaumont
Head of School
