Urban academy news

Weekly Update | September 6, 2019


September 6, 2019

Dear Urban Academy Families,

We have had a wonderful first week back with our students and classes are off to an excellent start. The Back to School Barbecue was a success at Hume Park and thank you to Ben Marsolais who organized a very efficient parent crew to feed us all dinner in such a relaxed spot. My heartfelt thanks to our Board of Directors for the generous gift of the naming of the theatre and the kind words Deborah McKenzie shared at the dedication. That will always be a cherished memory for me.

Families who are interested in applying for a second or third sibling to join UA for next school year should attend the Parent Information Evening scheduled for Oct. 2 at 6:30pm. The process will be outlined for families. This is not an evening for children. The sibling you are considering for application should not attend, it is an evening designed for parents. If you have not yet RSVP’d your attendance, please email admin@urbanacademy.ca.

Meet the Teacher Night is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, September 10. The outline of the evening for Junior and Senior students is detailed below. The needs of parents wanting to meet and discuss programming with senior teachers of academic students is different from the information shared with parents of younger students. We have scheduled the senior academic teachers so that Grade 6-12 parents can move from discipline to discipline, receive the course outline and assessment expectations and meet the teachers teaching your child. The K-Grade 5 parents will spend their time in the homeroom with the classroom teacher and some of our teaching partners in the same grade may do their presentation together. Specialist teachers will be available in the Multipurpose Room for you to meet them and ask questions about their courses and expectations as well. This is an evening for parents to meet with teachers and we ask that our students not attend so that the focus can be on the information you as a parent are seeking to help support your child.

Monday, September 16 is school picture day, always one the students look forward to! It is a day on which students wear formal uniform so please ensure that you have prepared for that. This year we are using a new provider for school photographs. Lifetouch is an experienced company providing school photos and will produce our yearbook this year as well. They will conduct the orders directly with you and you will be able to order your school pictures online. The orders will not be processed through the school. Approximately two weeks after the school picture day Lifetouch will send proofs and information home for parents to customize their order for delivery. We hope that this will streamline the process for parents and allow you to deal directly with the company on the products you wish to purchase.

As noted last week, the next step on the landscaping in front of the school will start early on Monday, September 9. Blue fencing will go up on Rousseau St. around the beds as the first stage of work is the exchange of soils. The sidewalk will be accessible as always.

Have an enjoyable weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday morning.

Mrs. Cheryle Beaumont
Head of School
