Urban academy news

Weekly Update | June 29, 2019


August 29, 2019

Dear Urban Academy Families,

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you today and are putting this email out a day early before the last long weekend of the summer. Today please take some time to look around the building at our new teaching spaces after you have had a chance to meet your teachers. We will be unveiling the new theatre at 3:15 so please join us for that event before things start and then we will have you move to classrooms. Parking passes for JK and K families will be on sale this afternoon, PAX is hosting a uniform sale and selling Hallowe’en party tickets today and then we are all looking forward to relaxing at Hume Park together.

Just a reminder that our first day is a half day with school starting at the regular time for all students; 8:30am instruction for Grades 6-12, 8:45am instruction for Kindergarten-Grade 5 and 9:00am for JK. Please plan to have your child ready to go to class in advance of the instruction beginning. We will dismiss at 12:00pm and day two is a full regular day of classes.

Please see the 2019-2020 calendar attached again for your reference. An important addition is the Parent Information Evening for sibling application; please see further details below.

Many families order lunch through the online program for both PAX Hot Lunch and our food service provider. This year we have moved away from Foodies and are working with The Lunch Lady. We think that families will find the offerings to be improved and the alignment with the school’s needs helpful as well. You will find information regarding signing up and ordering meals for your child for both programs below.

We are anxious to move on with landscaping the surrounding beds of the school and have been working on the prep work required for this aspect of our new school. The City is the lead on timing on this; permitting, the plants chosen, the soils used, and the irrigation systems installed. We have made a significant financial commitment to the City to allow this aspect of the project to go forward. At this point, I expect that we will get started on Rousseau St. during the week of September 9, once we have a full week of school opening behind us. We will see the big blue fences used during construction set-up to protect the soil exchange excavation and to prepare for the planting. It is expected that we will have about one full week of work on the Rousseau St. side and then a move to the Braid St. side. I expect that we will have planting before the end of September provided that we do not experience a late autumn heat wave that will prevent approval of plants being placed in the beds.

Enjoy the last weekend of the summer. Welcome back on Tuesday!

Mrs. Cheryle Beaumont
Head of School
