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Urban academy news

Weekly Update | September 8, 2023


Dear UA Parents, 

You did it! Week one is in the books, and I have to say it was a wonderfully smooth start to the year – at least from inside the school walls! Although we realize this morning was a bit of a hiccup with the unplanned construction down Rousseau, thank you for your patience! I hope once you found all of the ‘right’ knitwear that fits, sorted out the inside/outside shoe situation, and did a little refresher on what makes a balanced lunch, that your family also settled well into the routine of school.

Tuesday was an exciting morning as our Grade 12’s were the first group to open our new 4th floor playground. A few of us Sr. Leadership types also re-lived a little bit of our childhood and were able to take a turn on the new slides as well. A heartfelt thank you from the staff, but mostly on behalf of the over-the-moon students, for supporting last year’s Annual Appeal and Gala that made it possible to raise the funds necessary to make the playground a reality. The energy was palpable, and the playground will be a benefit for UA students today and those to come.

Another wonderful event I was able to be part of this week was our New Parent Reception yesterday evening. While the Back To School Celebration feels like a family reunion, this one feels like a new family welcome. We have such a great community all around, parents, students and staff, that it is always exciting to welcome our new community members properly in this way. 

And finally, it does a Development Director proud when a new parent-led committee emerges and hits the ground running with a new initiative. The Parent Golf Social is coming up on September 19 (details below). All levels of golfer are welcome, and it should be a fun evening out connecting with both staff and parents from the UA Community. It would be great to see you there!

Yours in Developing UA,
Ms. Sonja Kennedy
