Urban academy news

Weekly Update | April 14, 2023


Hello UA Families,

I’m not sure about you, but between end-of-year performances, field study, camps and parent events, it really feels as if it’s a sprint from Spring Break to the end of the school year. Sunny skies also have many of us making those summertime plans!

If you are looking for summer activities, we are very proud that two of our Senior Students (with a little help from our Staff) are leading Science and Performing Arts middle school camps. Our staff are also running sports camps for junior students. These are great opportunities for kids to further jump into areas that they are excited about, and I can personally attest that the Seniors running the camps are wonderful people excited about their areas of leadership – congratulations Illya and Casey!

Another area that families often request is a more regular Hot Lunch Program as we had pre-pandemic. You will see in the PAX section below that we are bringing back the Lunch Lady for a few trial days in May. These two days will be a big indicator of how Hot Lunch could work for next year. So if this is a service you would like for your children, please consider ordering Hot Lunch for one or both of those days as uptake will indicate interest for the coming year. Thank you PAX for your work on this!

It’s also the time of year that we put out any adjustments to the uniform with an updated Uniform Manual. You will notice a few key changes:

  1. Outerwear and rain boots are no longer required to be UA colours. This comes with feedback from families that they often receive hand-me-downs of these kinds of items that students can’t use due to the colours. In a move to be more sustainable, these requirements have been relaxed.
  2. Shoes for JK to Grade 5 students can now be running shoes (no lights/squeaks or rolls) for day-to-day and formal days. This comes with new research that shows injuries in younger students have been reduced when they are able to wear runners rather than dress shoes. Black polishable dress shoes are still a requirement for Grade 6-12 Students.

Earlier this year, a new 1/4 zip and blue polo with the ‘Senior School’ crest became available for our Grade 9-12 students at ISW and online. ISW is currently running a 15% off white polo sale and will offer a 10% discount on all items for the month of June. Note that our PAX is also hosting an in-person Used Uniform Sale the weekend of May 28/29.

And finally, there are many parents working on making the UA Gala coming up on May 6, a night to remember! Early Bird tickets are still available until this Sunday, so buy them on the UA Gala site and join us for the Sr. Show Choir entertainment, dinner, dancing, silent and live auctions and a student art showcase.

So there you have some details of a few other things happening before the end of the school year. I wish you and your children renewed energy for all that is to come, and I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at our gala and end-of-year performances!

Yours in many areas of school logistics,

Ms. Sonja Kennedy
Director Of Development
