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Urban academy news

Weekly Update | April 22, 2022


April 22, 2022

Dear UA Parents,

I hope you are all as excited as I am about tomorrow night’s Gala. I have heard so much about this event in previous years. The opportunity to once again come together as a community will be a very special event. Those of you who will be there in person, please take a minute to introduce yourself to the UA staff members in attendance. Don’t forget to let us know your name even if we have met previously, since likely we were in masks. I have my Roaring 20’s outfit ready to go and look forward to joining in on this wonderful UA tradition.

Another UA tradition of late is the need to be adaptable and flexible when it comes to supporting our 5th floor construction project. Next week we will erect fencing around the grassy area out front on Rousseau in order to keep people off it. We will be reseeding the grass in order to assist us in meeting our landscaping commitments to receive final occupancy in the summer. Thank you in advance for managing the tight space on the front sidewalk for a few more weeks while construction progresses closer to completion.

Additionally, next week more of the 4th floor playdeck well be fenced off as Pro-Can will be installing the glass railing on the 5th floor deck, as well as craning up the 400lb sheets of glass that will make up the walls of our beautiful glass-enclosed staircase leading from the 4th floor up to the rooftop deck above the 5th floor. It will also likely affect access to the school through the front doors, but we will send updates next week once the schedule is known. You may have already noticed all the cladding being completed on the east side of the building. So much progress is being made!

I hope you all appreciate that your children are leaving school ready for bed today already in their PJ’s. It was great to see so many students and staff participating in the final day of Wellness Week. These last two weeks, first with Spirit Week and now Wellness Week, have brought so many fantastic moments and memories for both staff and students. Thank you for keeping track of each of the unique days we have had these past few weeks! See you at the Gala tomorrow night.

Yours in education,

Mr. Slinger
