September 10, 2021
Dear UA Parents,
What a week!! It was so great to have the students back at school. The building was alive once again. I was so impressed at how well all of our students transitioned back to school. I am especially pleased with how all of our new students were welcomed by our returning students. After only a week of school, it seems like our new students are already settled. A special congratulations to all of our new JK and K students who have done such a great job becoming UA students – the future is bright.
A BIG thank you to everyone (parents, students, and staff) for your patience as we worked to establish new routines for drop-off and pickup. It was challenging with the increased numbers in the community and all of the construction. Our staff and volunteer parents have done an excellent job with supervision, working diligently to keep everyone safe around the school. We need everyone to continue to follow the protocols, even when the weather turns. It is also very important that all parents remember to respect each other’s personal space when waiting for their students outside. While 2m physical distancing is no longer a requirement, it is imperative that we respect each other’s personal space so that we avoid any involuntary contact with each other.
Next week marks the launch of the Vaccine Passport requirement in BC. Starting on Monday, the passport will be required for individuals in a variety of non-essential events and locations such as concerts, gyms, and restaurants. It is important to know that any UA community members that are eligible to receive the vaccine and do not have a vaccine passport, may miss out on opportunities such as field trips, winter concerts, or parent evenings. We are awaiting more guidance from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. The best way to ensure participation is to make sure members of the UA community who are eligible to receive a vaccine also have the Vaccine Passport. UA strongly encourages everyone who is eligible, to get both doses of the vaccine as soon as possible.
Looking at the upcoming week, please note that Photo Day is next Wednesday, and formal uniforms are required. Also, Thursday is the Meet the Teacher evening that will be held virtually again this year. You will receive detailed information about the schedule as well as Zoom links on Monday. I hope you really enjoy that opportunity to better get to know some of the UA teaching staff.
Yours in education,
Mr. Slinger