April 16, 2021
Dear UA Parents,
I really want to thank everyone in the UA community for your ongoing support and adherence to our mitigation measures around the pandemic. With cases on the rise in the surrounding communities, and the third wave of the pandemic underway, we need to continue to be diligent in washing our hands, keeping our at-home groups small, being outside as much as possible, and wearing masks. In her press conference yesterday Dr. Bonnie Henry indicated that every extra person you see at this point adds to the level of risk for exposure. It is impossible to know if people are asymptomatic, so please limit the number of interactions you have with others. I will keep the community updated with anything related to the pandemic that impacts us at UA.
If you have been around the school you will notice that there is much more construction activity going on. Our construction team is now on site every day with a small crew and has begun the demolition portion of our 5th-floor expansion. It is great to see the work begin. The project next door has also started up again and the demolition of the building at 100 Braid Street is well underway.
It is important, with all of the activity going on around the school, that parents continue to follow the parking protocols we have in place. We have lost a few parking spaces recently to some of the construction teams, so it is imperative that people only park for a limited amount of time: 10 minutes max, and only for holders of JK and K parking passes. This is important because we have more parking passes issued than we have parking spaces, which means the staggered pickup and drop-off is the only way this works smoothly. Thank you again to everyone for your cooperation. Parents with students in Grades 1 and up, please do not attempt to use the rear parking lot at all, and remember that the parkade is accessible after school ONLY from 3:40 pm on (please do not come down the alley to access the parkade roundabout before 3:40 pm).
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, makes decisions that err on the side of being safe, and stays well.
Yours in education,
Mr. Slinger