November 22, 2019
Dear Urban Academy Families,
Thank you to our guests who joined us for the Community AGM on Wednesday evening. It was a pleasure to share the work of the last year with you as well as the selection process and progress toward a new Head of School for next year. Another enjoyable community event last Saturday was Zumba, hosted by PAX and taught by May Elford. At least 50 parents and kids attended and enjoyed the opportunity.
PAX will be getting ready for their Holiday Drive at the beginning of December. It will work a little differently this year but the goal is still the same, to make sure that families who are not looking forward to any extras on Christmas morning, receive something special. PAX has provided some guidance in this week’s email on how it will work and the Christmas tree will go up in the foyer in time to host Breakfast with Santa. Christmas activities are just around the corner.
It is basketball season and our teams are getting ready for their first games next week. We are still in need of referees to help out so if you know someone qualified to help us that would be wonderful. Our students are practicing hard and will enjoy their season.
The Ministry of Education and Independent School Branch want to ensure that families are aware of the mechanism for Registered Education Savings Plans for planning for post-secondary education after graduation for your child. Please click on and you will be able to see the benefits of the program and how you can undertake it for your family.
Out of School Care sign-up for the Christmas holidays is available as of Monday and registration is open until December 10. Registration. The details are included in this newsletter.
The Urban Academy Board of Directors is continuously engaged in succession planning, not only for the upcoming year, but also over the next 2-3 years. If any members of the Urban Academy school community are interested in putting their names forward or learning more about Board work, please contact Karim Merali, chair of the Board Development Committee, at
In light of the possible bus strike next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, please consider alternative modes of transportation (such as carpooling) for those families who access bus services. As the roads will likely be busier on those days due to increased vehicle traffic, please plan to build in extra time in order to get students to school on time.
Have a restful and enjoyable weekend with your family.
Mrs. Cheryle Beaumont
Head of School