Urban academy news

Weekly Update | June 10, 2022


June 10, 2022

Hello everyone,

What an incredible and full week it has been at UA. There was activity at all grade levels. I started the week on Monday at Camp Summit in the Squamish Valley with the Grade 3’s, 4’s and 6’s. From the moment the students got off the bus, they were active and smiling. Being able to participate in days like this reminds me of the importance of providing students with experiential education opportunities, whether through Outdoor Education like our camp program, or field trips that help bring learning to life. I am optimistic that next year we will be able to kick more of these programs off in September with vibrant experiential education opportunities and not leave a significant amount to the last few months like this year because of the pandemic.

All reports from the Grade 5’s at Camp Elphinstone and the Grade 7’s and 8’s at Strathcona have been similar to the reports from Camp Summit. Outdoor Ed provides students (and some staff) with the opportunity to get out of their routines and comfort zones and share new experiences. Mr. Twaites, who will be taking on the new role of Student Life Coordinator this coming school year will continue to grow and provide guidance to this important program.

This week UA hosted our Junior School Spring Performances. For the first time ever we were able to host them in our very own Cheryle Beaumont Theatre. The four shows were all very well received by the audience members and the students were able to showcase their hard work. Thank you to everyone who made the shows happen and a special thank you to Mr. McDiarmid who directed 10 different plays with students in JK through Grade 3. The events were a big success!

This Sunday our Senior Wind Ensemble will be flying to Disneyland for a week of workshops and performing. It is a fantastic opportunity for the UA students and staff to go ‘international’. I am sure the group of 24 students and 3 staff will have amazing stories to tell upon their return. As it turns out, the US is dropping the requirement for COVID tests 8 hours before our trip departs. Timing is everything!

I am also very excited to say that we are now counting the time to the completion of our fifth floor project in weeks, not months. The crew from Pro-Can has been working diligently to complete the project. I am extremely confident that we will be moving in over the summer and opening the doors for the first day of school. This will mark another milestone achieved by UA.

I hope the weather holds off a bit over the weekend. I know there are a lot of events, social gatherings, and activities happening for everyone these days. Please keep in mind that we still need to make sure everyone conducts a health check in the morning before coming to school. Please do not send your children to school if they have symptoms. Have a great weekend everyone… two weeks until our Year-End Assembly!

Yours in education,

Mr. Slinger
