October 29, 2021
Dear UA Parents,
Boo!!!…it was Halloween today at UA. It was so great to see all the wonderfully creative costumes at school today. There were definitely some witch sightings, I think Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz came by the school, and Buzz Lightyear dressed up as a UA PE student today!! I hope you check out UA’s Instagram story today as some of our senior students ‘hijacked’ the account for the day to capture the happenings around the school.
You may notice that your children came home with a little gift today. On behalf of UA students, thank you to PAX, Dione Bobeldijk, and our volunteers for their work in putting the goodie bags together for all UA students.
I would like to take a moment to send out a BIG thank you to our parent volunteers and all our UA staff members who take time out of their busy day to get out before school and after school to keep our pedestrians safe and our vehicle traffic flowing. This is a big commitment for everyone, especially teachers who have to rush straight from morning traffic duty into the classroom or rush out after school. If there are any additional parents out there who are able to volunteer for traffic duty from 8:15-9:00 am, our staff would really appreciate the support.
Thank you again to everyone for being diligent in going through the process of the daily health check before sending students to school. It is probable that we will continue to have an occasional case of COVID at the school and this is still probably the single most effective way of keeping our UA community healthy, not just with COVID, but also from colds and flus. Moving forward, if we do have confirmed cases at UA, I will notify the entire community if anyone is asked by Fraser Health to self-isolate beyond the original case. If Fraser Health determines that only self-monitoring is required by anyone at UA, then I will only notify the families in the classes that have been asked to self-monitor. Please take a moment to read the Situation Report from the BCCDC which provides some current data regarding where BC is at in the pandemic recovery.
I had a nice bonus yesterday as I had the privilege of taking our Grade 12 students out for lunch. What a stellar group of grads we have! It was so nice to talk to them about their hopes and dreams for the future and the next big steps they are planning to take in their post-UA lives. They also shared some of their stories from UA: two of our grads this year have actually been at the school longer than any staff members! It was definitely one of the highlights of my week.
I hope everyone has an enjoyable Halloween weekend.
Mr. Slinger