Urban academy news

Weekly Update | August 27, 2021


August 27, 2021

Dear UA Parents,

It is hard to believe that we are approaching the last few days of summer. The Office has been bustling for the last two weeks getting ready for the arrival of our teachers on Monday for a week of planning and organization before the students arrive on September 7. This is always an exciting time of year full of anticipation and possibility.

While we are starting another school year in the shadow of the pandemic, we are very confident that we will be able to continue to provide a safe space for staff and students to work and learn. We will be following the direction of the Provincial Health Officer and the Ministry of Education as we develop the protocols for the opening of the school year. I do anticipate that schools will receive further guidance in the days to come which will help guide us. As always, we will keep the community updated with any new information that results in changes to routines or expectations.

That being said, I would like to emphasize again that UA strongly encourages all members of our community who are eligible to receive a vaccine to please do so. We are uncertain what the impacts of the recently announced vaccine passport will be on the ability of students, staff and parents to participate in a variety of school-sanctioned events such as field trips, camps, sports competitions, Model UN, community social events, and parent meetings. The best way to ensure participation is to be vaccinated.

As we head into the school year, I really want to focus on the positive and on the opportunities that our students will be afforded this year that were not possible last year. We all know that parents’ thoughts and feelings are often shared with their children and these help set their attitudes and beliefs. So parents, please be cognizant of what you are sharing with them, and work to help the UA staff set up the new school year with positive anticipation and an understanding that we are a diverse community, but an inclusive one ready to work, learn and grow together.

There are many details included in this Weekly Update that will help ensure that the coming weeks go smoothly for us all. Please make sure you read through to the bottom so you do not miss important information. The Back to School Celebration is taking place on September 1. We are asking families to attend in their allocated time slots by last name (noted below). There are many details in order to keep everyone as safe as possible, so please review those in advance of the event. Start and end times for the first half day and the rest of the year are also included below. Thank you for your attention to all of this information!

Have a wonderful final August weekend. I hope to see you next week.

Yours in education,

Mr. Slinger
