April 30, 2021
Dear UA Parents,
Happy Friday everyone. It was great to see students back on campus this week after the remote learning last week (or self-isolation for some of our students and staff). I am very impressed with the support and cooperation everyone in the community displayed over the last couple of weeks. I am really hopeful that we will manage to avoid any more exposures for the rest of the year. But it is nice to know that we can count on the UA community to work together to keep students learning, and the school healthy.
Unfortunately, there have been some repercussions from the disruptions over the last couple of weeks. With the lost days on campus and the number of students and staff who were away, we determined that we would not have enough time to fully rehearse for our Spring productions. We will be postponing some of the larger productions such as Annie and Aladdin until the Fall. We are working on a way to be able to have students record the work they have done to date with the hope of being able to share with parents before the end of the school year.
Construction on the fifth-floor project is progressing very well. The crew has been able to open up a number of the walls in preparation for the build to commence. Our neighbors at 100 Braid have also made great progress, with the building is all but gone now. You will notice that there has been some drilling that has taken away a few of our parking spots. Parents, please continue to be conscious of the reduction in parking and limit your time in the spaces at pickup and drop-off. If you are parking in the neighborhood, please abide by the parking regulations on the street and respect our neighbors.
It is hard to believe that tomorrow the calendar will flip over to May. We are in the home stretch of the school year now. I am confident that we will have a great finish to the year. While we might not be able to celebrate the year-end the way we would like, we are discussing various options based on what we think we might be able to do given the health orders.
Yours in education,
Mr. Slinger