Urban academy news

Weekly Update | May 29, 2020


May 29, 2020

Dear Urban Academy Families,

It is hard to believe it is the final week of May – what a third term! Thank you again for your remarkable support of your children as you navigate eLearning, your own work at home and out in the community, support for family members, and making sure everyone is healthy. We are deeply appreciative of your work, your support and the wonderful words of thanks and encouragement.

I sent a message yesterday to those families returning for Monday, June 1. The plan for our students is also attached to this email for information, for families new to us in September. I have included a link to the Welcome Back video that we produced for our kids returning. Click here to see our own Mr. McDiarmid sharing the plans for our students.

Please respond to Sonya Das Gupta at volunteer@urbanacademy.ca so that she can account for the volunteer hours you have provided to the school. On Monday, June 1 we start cashing your cheques and you will owe the whole amount if you have not provided your hours. I know families have done many tasks in support of our school. As we noted earlier, we will look at how we calculate this unusual year but we do need to know where you stand with hours volunteered.

Urban Academy Virtual Gala June 10 to 19, 2020 – an update from Michel Watson (Chair) & the Gala Committee
As you know, we were unable to celebrate with our community this year at our Annual Gala, which is Urban Academy’s largest fundraising event for the school year. This year we were raising funds for STEM (Science, Tech, Engineering and Math) materials for all grades, from our youngest scientists to our oldest innovators.
The work and planning, though, has resulted in some fantastic pieces of art from each of our classes from JK to Grade 5. So, as they say, the show must (and will) go on! However, the ‘show’ looks a little bit different this year. Instead of our in-person celebration, it will be online using the Givergy platform that our families have become used to over the past few years. You will be able to see the artwork and bid online from June 10 to 19 from the comfort of your home!

The work will be displayed on a rotating basis at our main building entrance point at drop-off and pickup. Please take some time to have your child take you through their art piece and learn about the ideas behind the art. You will see that they are quite proud of their works, as we are of them!

A usual component of the Gala is the open appeal that allows us to raise funds to put those STEM products in the hands of the kids. Never fear, on the Givergy platform we are still able to run the open appeal! So if the student art isn’t what you are interested in or you aren’t the lucky highest bidder, know that you can still contribute to this final school fundraiser of this year by donating through the open appeal button.

Prior to June 10 we will send you the website details. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the school and to the Gala, we really appreciate the Urban Academy community!

A reminder that the last day of school is June 23, a day earlier than indicated on the calendar. If you require Out of School Care for June 24, or for the afternoon of June 23, please email admin@urbanacademy.ca.

We look forward to next week.

Mrs. Cheryle Beaumont
Head of School
