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Urban academy news

Technology is constantly changing the world around us. As students move out of their high school experience, and into the real world, they need to be prepared for whatever advancements come their way. Urban Academy is staying on the cutting edge of the changing times with our programs that provide…

Olympic Fever has swept through Urban Academy as the junior athletics department led the UA Olympics! All throughout the Olympic season, grade K-4 students have watched clips from the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and replicated them in their P.E. classes. Rolling rocks make for curling, pool noodles make for torches,…

When the world gets in the way of large group activities inside, it’s time to go outside! That’s what Urban Academy did this winter with Outdoor Education. UA’s Student Life team led the school in hosting UA’s first Winter Activity Day this past January 28th, followed by UA’s Senior Students…

Leadership can be developed in many ways. As a student, having the opportunity to lead your house team and community is one of the most significant. Urban Academy has ample opportunities for student leadership, a current example of which is the establishment and growth of our very own UA Lion…

It was the second week of our spring break. Day by day the walls felt as if they were closing in on us. The world was shutting down, our circles were closing in. This was a new experience for British Columbians and the worst part of it was that no…

The saying “necessity is the mother of invention” has never been as true as it is in these strange times. From managing how we get our groceries to reformatting how we deliver education, things have changed significantly for the human race. While many of these changes are challenging, such as…

CETA’s definition of arts integration is ‘an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form’. This allows students to engage in their learning, link the arts to core academics and truly bring learning to life. Melissa Herman, Urban Academy’s Sr. Math and Science Teacher…

Urban Academy is very excited to open our doors to our brand new facility at 466 Rousseau next fall.  We are moving forward on construction on a daily basis and want to share the details and photos with our community.  Take a look at the progress that has been made.…

October 19, 2017 Each term at Urban Academy, students focus on a Unit of Inquiry – a 6-8 week in-depth exploration of a concept. To begin the unit, students are introduced to a large concept and problem posed by their teacher. The solution requires an understanding of numerous core subject…