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Urban academy news

Weekly Update | August 21, 2020


August 21, 2020

Hello UA Parents,

It is hard to believe that another Friday message is here and being sent out. We seem to be speeding towards the start of the school year and we are excited to see all of our planning come together in order to have staff and students return to campus. I hope all of you have had a chance to read our Return to School Plan that was sent out on Wednesday. If you missed it you can find it here on the school website.

We have submitted our plans to the Ministry of Education who will now review the documents and let us know if we require any modifications or further information to be included in our Return to School Plan. We will keep the document up to date as changes are made by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, or the Provincial Health Officer. We are already on Version 2.0 on the UA website as we noticed an error on the arrival and dismissal chart that we included in the document that was distributed to you on Wednesday. The change should be noted by the Kindergarten parents that dismissal time has been updated to 3:05 pm.

Next week you can expect to hear more information regarding our plans for an alternate approach to our Back to School Celebration on Thursday, September 3, and the first day of school on September 8. Please note that, as usual, the first day of school is a half-day with full school days beginning on September 9.

I would like to thank parents for both their patience and the positive feedback that they have sent with regard to our Return To School Plan. The UA Team is grateful that the work put into the safe return to school is appreciated by the community. Please stay tuned for additional updates in the next couple of weeks.

Yours in education,

Mr. Slinger

Head of School
